Campus Reading – Networking BBQ

With two new occupiers joining us in September, we decided it was the perfect time to host a networking event for all CAMPUS occupiers to give them the opportunity to get to know each other and welcome the new tenants, Adobe and CGI.

We hosted a networking lunch but wanted the networking element to feel very light and fun, so decided to add a Bingo element! All occupiers signed up to the event via Event Brite and received a name badge with their name, job title and company. Each occupier received a networking bingo card which featured 12 phrases such as ‘find someone who works in HR’,  ‘find someone who has been to Canada’ or ‘find someone who is a member of Campus Fit Gym’. The occupiers were encouraged to speak to as many people as possible whilst ticking off the card.

We also had a keynote speaker from the CAMPUS Toastmasters club and following the networking, all attendees were treated to a delicious lunch.

We had great feedback about the event and it has been requested to be a regular feature in the annual events programme!